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Writer's pictureJJ Phang

Why sharing knowledge is important?

Updated: May 16, 2020

People often ask why I share knowledge around when sometimes I do not get paid for it.

It is a very good question and I would like to share why “sharing knowledge” important nowadays.

Set the alignment

This is no longer a world of competition, but collaboration. Doing a work with a right team is much easier than doing it alone. Just like the “flying-geese theory”. When each bird flaps its wings, it creates lift for the fellow birds which makes them fly further with lesser efforts. When they fall out of the formation, they need more energy to fly alone and they will go back as a group quickly.

It is the same for a company or a team. When the company is aligned, having a common goal, the company will work easier, and more efficient and effective moving towards their target. Sharing knowledge within the community is one of the ways to set the community to move towards the similar goal. 

It helps us to grow

Sharing knowledge also helps us to grow. In order to share knowledge, we must possess that knowledge first. Growth is a continuous development. We need to have the ability to learn new things in order for us to share it around. We can grow through learning new skills and knowledge. The more we practice sharing, the more our skills improve.

Keep us updated

Being a sharer of a particular field of knowledge requires constant update and development. We will motivate ourselves to go in-depth to the field that we are interested to share. Pushing ourselves to be a specialist in the field requires thorough research and consistent updates, or else the knowledge that we have will be obsolete. Sharing knowledge pushes you to become better at what you know and what you do.

Generate new idea

While sharing knowledge, it does not work one way only. When we share, the others are willing to share as well. From exchanging ideas, we may get eye-opening ideas. Obtaining different ideas and solution from different aspects may allow us to generate creative results and brilliant outcomes. Working two ways while sharing allow us to emerge solutions. Sharing to others encourage others to share more to us.

Pay it forward

We obtain our knowledge from someone else and somewhere else. We must be able to give it away if we receive it from somewhere else. Mentoring and coaching will allow us to grow at the same time. Creating future leader benefits not only ourselves but also the community. Strong leader within the community is integral to the success of the community. With great leadership within the group allows lasting growth and success.

Start to share something around that you think is valuable!


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