The outbreak of pandemic COVID-19 has lasted for more than a year, and most of the time when we are inviting some visitors to join our weekly meeting or even asking our visitors to join BNI, we may receive different objections such as ….
“I believe this is good, but let me think about it after MCO…”
“Right now we are thinking of cutting down our costs and we will wait until things back to normal…”
“I will definitely join after this covid is over…”
“Wait until covid is over and I will join when we can meet face-to-face…”
As a BNI member, we often get these objections when we are inviting someone to join our weekly meeting. Our invitees may indicate to us that they are only keen to be part of us only after the covid is ended as they are waiting for things to get better and we are able to meet up face-to-face.
But I personally think that the covid will not end so soon. Even if it does, things will never back to normal and businesses will never ever be the same as in the past.
The objections given by our invitees are normal. These answers or objections given by them are their ordinary reaction when they are being approached.
Human tends to go automatic and we feel comfortable with what we are doing and we want to be in control. The objections given by your invitees are NORMAL.
But the question is how are we going to handle that?
As I’ve said, objection arises when they lost control. Losing control comes from lacking certainty. We have been giving our visitors or invitees a sense of uncertainty of needing them to make a decision.
Especially when things are very unpredictable right now.
We understand a lot of people are not making good money.
Many people have lost their sales or jobs. Their business performance is getting worsen as compared to their previous results.
Some of them may not have enough reserves in order for them to sustain.
I am sure that any one of the situations is distressing.
That is why these visitors or invitees may come out with objections as they have lost control with their ordinary course of business, and their future can be very unpredictable for them to make a different choice of plans in their business.
We have to think from their perspectives.
The old closing approach of “staying positive”, “do you want to grow your business?” or “this is something for you to grow your business, and you NEED this!” may not be workable for these people.
I believe in certain circumstances, we might need to change our way of handling our visitors or invitees, as they might have too much fear and uncertainty within.
I would suggest that if they are saying that
“I believe this is good, but let me think about it after MCO…”
“I will definitely join after this covid is over…”
We can always ask them the powerful question with empathy:
“I understand your concern, but what if the COVID is not ending real soon and things never get any better?, and If the pandemic is getting even worse, what will you do?”
Our aim to help and empower the person that we care about to overcome their fear and anxiety of making a choice.
Things will never be normal again even if the pandemic is ended.
Why not we ask them if they want to make some changes right now, or when things get worsen and we don’t even have the ability to make changes?
Our intention is to help them to think they have to do some changes, instead of NOT making any changes and waiting for things to get better.
Why not give it a try right now when you still can do it?
I believe we can enlighten business people to see their capability of taking action when they are still can instead of waiting for things to back to normal when we know it hardly can be.
The biggest mistake is to wait for things to get better.
Read more: Sharpen your Axe with your mentor
JJ Phang formally served as President (02), Network Education Coordinator (01), Mentor Coordinator (01), Membership Committee (02) and currently as Event Coordinator (04) of BNI Smart Biz, Hall of Fame Chapter.
JJ Phang is also currently the Director Consultant of BNI Extreme Chapter, Melaka Region.