There are different types of game players in every situation.
1. Not Playing
2. Play Not to Lose
3. Just Playing
4. Play To Win

What are the differences between these people? I will be discussing this in the context of looking for new possible avenues to make a difference to our own business.
The first type of person is those who are "not playing". People who are in this quadrant will be those who love to be comfortable in where they are. There is nothing wrong to be in this quadrant because everyone loves comfort and no one loves to change and no one loves uncertainty. So, if we are meeting this type of person, please do not disturb them as they have already indicated that they do not want any changes.
Next, we have people who "play not to lose". These people always want to be right in where they are. They are being righteous and defensive of the actions that they have already taken. It is alright to be confident on where we are, but the point I wish to highlight is that we must always be able to see where we are at that time, and whether the things we are doing are on track or not. If things don't get better, that means the actions that we have taken may not be working!
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
The third quadrant we have is people who are "just playing". People who are just playing are those people who always wanted to be "liked". This category of people are always doing the things to seek approval and to get along with the trends and being together with others. What they are lacking of, is the ultimate intention and the underlying purpose of the steps they have taken. In a simpler context, these people will do what other people are doing, and they do it for the sake of doing.
Lastly, we have people who have the mindset of "play to win". These are the people who always strive for the best, and are always open to options and keys to success. These people have the value of being open to different inputs. They are the one who are willing to take risks and yet be cautious of the actions they intend to take. In other words, these people do not act rashly. They are bold but cautious.

Which quadrant are we in?
It is fine to be either one of them, as long as we are able to see where we are. Most importantly, are we taking any action to move from a quadrant to a different quadrant?
Ask yourself, are you really belonging in the quadrant that you want to be in?
If you are not having the results that you wanted to have, is it because you are in the quadrant that you are supposed to be in?
Let the results speak.
Having a "PLAY TO WIN" mindset is something we all should have as we are facing many uncertainties and challenges. We may be easily distracted by some other external influence if we are not clear of what we are doing.