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Writer's pictureJJ Phang

Never Take it For Granted!

Updated: Feb 13, 2021

As a member of a referral network organization, we will always receive referrals given by our referral partners. Our members will endlessly and continuously giving referrals to us weekly. Our referral partners will spend their time to understand our business and answer our calling for referrals through our weekly presentation and feature presentation. If we are doing a good presentation, our members within the chapter will know how to pass us referrals that we want.

However, are we aware that receiving referrals in the chapter is not a privilege of a BNI member?

BNI does not guarantee us that we will be getting referrals if we joined.

Read more: Getting Noticeable

Referrals are something that we have to put effort to earn from our members. We have to be referrable by our members.

What’s next if we are given a referral?

A simple “thank you” is what we can do.

Never forget to issue a “Thank You For Closed Business” (TYFCB) to the person who had given us a referral after we have closed that business.

Issuance of TYFCB is one of the actions aligning to one of our core values – Recognition. By issuing TYFCB to our members who had given us referrals after the done deal is a form of gratitude to our members.

TYFCB will also be recorded in our members’ personal report that will show their “TYFCB Given” section. It is a form of acknowledgment to our members for being a great giver in the chapter or region.

What makes BNI successful is we have the system to monitor the numbers and allowing the leaders to use the recorded numbers to facilitate the growth of the members’ business. Without proper records of the TYFCB, the chapter leadership team will face difficulties in monitoring the growth of the business of the members.

As a result, if we want more businesses or referrals from our referral partners, START GIVING TYFCB for the business done deals. With proper issuance of TYFCB, we will be able to receive more businesses from our referral partners in our chapter as they will feel they are acknowledged for the giving act, and our leadership team will be able to support the growth of the chapter by the proper and effective business tracking system.

BNI’s mission is to help our members to grow their business through a structured, positive, and professional referral program that enables them to develop meaningful, long-term relationships with quality business professionals.

JJ Phang formally served as President (02), Network Education Coordinator (01), Mentor Coordinator (01), Membership Committee (02) and currently as Event Coordinator (04) of BNI Smart Biz, Hall of Fame Chapter.

JJ Phang is also currently the Director Consultant of BNI Extreme Chapter, Melaka Region.

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