We may have many ways to market our business, our products or our services. However, I am going to share a very interesting way to market our products or services.
The key of the marketing strategy is the Commitment that we demonstrate to our client.
There are many ways we can demonstrate our commitments.
For example:
1. Promising how many days that our goods will arrive?
2. What is the experience that we can provide with our services?
3. What is the result that we can create for them?
The most important point is that we should only commit the result that is within our capability. We must not commit something that we are unable to provide. The key is to provide the assurance that we are able to perform.
We should emphasise on how our commitment is able to make a change to our customers after using our services and products.
Always start with focusing on a specific market. Identify what is our target market. Never ever target "anyone" or "everyone" who needs our services or products. SPECIFIC is TERRIFIC. By having a sampling size, we will be able to manage the commitment by stages. With such a strategy we will be able to improve our services or products by stages, and we can improve our shortcomings step by step.
We should be mindful that we are unable to please everyone. By focusing on creating value to a specific group of people or our targeted community, we will create a great experience for our customers, and consequently our client or customer will spread the message of their experience and testimonials to their contacts.
What we need to focus on is to identify their needs and their preferences.
How much are they willing to pay for the value of trust that we have commited to create for them? Never ever sabotage the trust that we have created with our client.
Upholding the value of trust is much easier than finding a way to innovate our products or services. Gaining the trust and loyalty of our customers or clients is always the fundamental value of striving the best for our business.
The trust that we have created with our customers will be a great marketing strategy for our products or business.