To some of you, maybe in your life, you will know 100 to 200 people. You may have 2000 to 3000 contacts or friends in your facebook. However, do you really count how many people that are really willing to give you business?
Do you really trace the number of people or your friends who gave you businesses?
In BNI we help members to increase their business through a structured, positive and professional marketing program that enables members to develop long term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.
In BNI, we analyse our network by using VCP© created by Dr. Ivan Misner. VCP© stands for Visibility, Credibility and Profitability.
Photo from
Visibility – is the contact that we have and they know we exist. It includes the large number of network that we have on our phonebook, social media and etc. They may or may not remember us, same goes to us whether remember them or not.
Credibility – is the contact who really knows us and trust us enough and do business with us. They share their contact with us and refer their contact to us. The level of trust determines the quality of the contacts they share to us.
Profitability – is the contact who not only trust us but actively working to generate referrals to us. They do not only wait opportunity to happen to pass contact but actively generate business opportunities to us. The contacts are taking active role instead of passive role to generate business to you.
So the question is, do we really know who are the contacts that are existed in the quadrant of "Profitability", "Credibility" or merely "Visibility"?
It is good to start analyse the list of contacts that we have so that we know how much effort that we need to improve our relationships with our contacts.
JJ Phang formally served as President (02), Network Education Coordinator (01), Mentor Coordinator (01), Membership Committee (02) and currently as Event Coordinator (04) of BNI Smart Biz, Hall of Fame Chapter.
JJ Phang is also currently the Director Consultant of BNI Extreme Core Group.