Do you choose to be in a difficult situation? Some may be YES, or some may be NO.
However, I believe that we “chose” to be in “difficult”. We created the “difficult situation”.
Did we really create the difficult situation?
Well YES!
If we felt miserable with the situation, it is because we are unable to handle it by ourselves. We need help on it. We need a solution to handle it. This is exactly the same for everyone around us that may require help. Are we offering any “help” to them?
If you are in a leadership role, do you feel embarrassed to ask for help? Are you a leader or are you a “superhero”?
A leader is not about how strong you are, how smart you are, or how fast you are. Being vulnerable and open to receive assistance is essential for a Leader. This world is definitely difficult for us to walk alone. Not everyone is able to afford that.
Start by helping people on your left and right. Be able to see them being at the same position as you. Start offering help to them by asking “How can I help you?”. Learn to care about the people AROUND YOU, and not the numbers. Helping people, requires practice. Start practicing. You will experience how profound is your action when people around you start to offer their help to you when you really needed it!
The most valuable thing in this world is that, you are able to accept “help” when its offered, and you are helped when you know you can’t do it. However, to be able to get helped, is when you really start helping people. Learn to give, and start giving.