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Writer's pictureJJ Phang

Getting a chapter Launched !

Local Business. Global Network.

Many people posted questions to me on why getting a new chapter launched. The journey of getting the chapter launched is challenging. However, the joy of having a chapter launched is definitely amazing.

I personally have learnt a lot from getting a new chapter launched in Melaka, Malaysia.

Without taking action to do it, the chapter will only be an illusion, or merely being a "word" of mouth. Only by taking real action and commitment, something that does not exist in the start has finally come into reality!

In the beginning, prior to initiating any steps to gather like-minded business people together, as an Ambassador, we declare our commitment to get the chapter launch.

The name of the chapter? When will the chapter launch? Where is the meeting of the chapter?

No one will understand who will be in the chapter. I have prepared a list of names of the business person that I think they would want to be in BNI and to start this launch process together with me. Looking back to the list that I have made, it only consists of 10% of the names that I have listed that are currently in the chapter! This shows that not everyone that I think they are keen to be in the launch process will stay to the end.

On the other hand, those who I thought would not be interested, are currently in the chapter!

Never ever judge a person’s interest as we will never know the result until we really speak up and approached them.

During the launch process, communication with the core group members about the vision of the chapter is the key to moving together. No one knows how the chapter will look like and what will happen next. The trust between each other is very important. In order to gain trust from the core group members, to be consistent is as crucial as following the timelines. Sitting down together with the core group members to evaluate the measures taken that led to the results that we have.

Other than believing in each other, educating members to work together to bring in more like-minded business people is vital to ensure the growth of the chapter. Members need to understand why growing the chapter is essential for them as it will increase the chances of them being referred. Having more business person doing business through a structured, positive, and professional manner is direly needed nowadays in this challenging business arena. By having more business person to do business through BNI will allow the business person to understand doing business with the underlying philosophy of GiversGain® as we exemplify that by giving more business to others, we will get more business in return.

BNI Extreme, Melaka is the first chapter to launch in the year 2021 in Malaysia.

While the chapter is ready to launch, it is time that the chapter has to be regulated by their own leaders. The job of the leader today is not to create followers, it is to create more leaders. The chapter will need to have its own leadership team that will make sure the chapter runs in a very structured manner, and members within the chapter will be able to track the business transaction and grow their business in an organized manner.

A new chapter launched is not the end of the growth, but it signifies the new stage of the growth process of the new chapter.

BNI Extreme's Weekly Meeting on Thursday. Despite MCO / Lockdown, we are still continuing to have early weekly meetings.

If you want to be part of the team, please let us know. We are a group of passionate business person who wants to grow our businesses through a structured, positive, and professional word-of-mouth program.

JJ Phang formally served as President (02), Network Education Coordinator (01), Mentor Coordinator (01), Membership Committee (02) and currently as Event Coordinator (04) of BNI Smart Biz, Hall of Fame Chapter.

JJ Phang is also currently the Director Consultant of BNI Extreme Chapter, Melaka Region.

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