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Writer's pictureJJ Phang

Encouraging Core Group Members

Core Group (CG) members will be required to possess inviting mindsets before, during, and after the chapter is launched. It is important to have an inviting mindset to let the chapter successfully launch in a desirable size.

There are several ways to encourage CG members to invite more visitors.

Telling CG members it is their opportunity to become leaders. Being CG members, CG members are allowed to choose their referral partners to be in the CG. The CG members will be able to have the desirable referral partners to work with, and able to determine the preferable person.

Being in BNI is about doing business in a structured, positive, and professional manner. It is important to keep the CG excited, make sure the CG are moving, and constantly update them on the status and the progress of other CG members. This will let the CG know that their members are keen to grow the chapter and working to get the chapter launched.

Director Consultants play an important role in coaching the CG to invite. The Director Consultants can take the lead to invite, and coaching the members on how to invite. Always highlight to the members about the categories of people like F.R.O.G.S. to be identified. Also to identify the people who they can give business to, as well as the people who they think they can get business from.

Let them see the big WHY. Why inviting? CG members will do more businesses once it's launched. Tell the CG members to take ownership to invite. Reminding them Why are they here. Director Consultants have to remind them that the team belongs to them. If noticed the CG members are not inviting, resell them the vision to excite them again. The D & A team that helps on the launch process needs to build a meaningful relationship with these CG members to ease the guiding process to invite. Mindset change is important, build relationships with them so easier to coach them on how to invite. The moment the CG leaders that they can take ownership from the launch leader, they will start inviting.

Lastly, educating CG members will help. Let the CG members tell everyone who they want to have in the group and challenge them to invite. Be specific! Educating about the Contact Sphere and Power Team, whereby invitation based on these concepts will help their business. Not to forget to train CG members to do effective weekly presentations, so that they are excited to show to their visitors.

We do not only get the chapter launched, we also must get ourselves launched !

Start Inviting!

JJ Phang formally served as President (02), Network Education Coordinator (01), Mentor Coordinator (01), Membership Committee (02) and Event Coordinator (04) of BNI Smart Biz, Hall of Fame Chapter. JJ Phang was also the Director Consultant of BNI Extreme Chapter, Melaka Region.

JJ Phang is currently the Executive Director of Melaka Region.

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