Why do I start this blog of mine here? I would like to record each and every moment that I have experienced, the good one, the bad one, the fun one, the sad one, every single one. Being able to have feeling towards the experience is a privilege that we may have, but what's next after being able to feel?
I was once learnt that "to get what you want, you must first give what you want". I believe that at this moment of my life, I am gifted for all the magnificent experience that I've been through. Many people that I have come across happens to complain, moaning and bellyaching the life that they are in right now, blaming themselves for the choice that they have made in their life, the life that they are going through is not in their way, assuming that they have to put a mask on their face to have a better life.
I would like to emphasise a quote from James Allen that says "The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state...Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are". Your mind is powerful enough to create who you are. Things happening around coming from your state of mind. So, making the first step to convince yourself that you are able to make a difference to yourself is the key.
I assure that I will be sharing more of my thoughts and also my experiences that I am gifted to experience here on a regular basis.
